We're committed to a
clean and safe facility.
2142 Trenton Road Levittown, PA 19056
215-945 -2920
Employment & Volunteer Opportunities
MSCA is blessed with the best Volunteers. We could not run the way we do without a dedicated team. From Housekeeping to Reception, there is something for everyone. Does anything below fit your interests/qualifications? If you are interested in Volunteering, applications can be found in the Main Office.
BINGO GAME SUPPORT- Selling tickets, Calling winning card numbers, Collecting trash between games
BINGO SET UP & CLEAN UP- Setting up tables and chairs, Wiping them down, Putting them away
EVENT COMMITTEE- Planning, Event sign ups, Set up, Clean Up, Check In, Ticket/Food Sales
HOUSEKEEPING- Vacuum activity rooms, Wipe down surfaces, Clean toilets, Mop floors, Empty trash
KITCHEN SUPPORT- Prep for and serve lunch, Kitchen clean up
LIBRARY SUPPORT- Keep the area neat and tidy, Sorting donations as needed
MAINTENANCE- Small repairs as needed
MEALS ON WHEELS DRIVER- All drivers require clearance from the Bucks Co Area Agency on Aging
OFFICE SUPPORT- Tours, Helping with memberships, Data entry, Newsletter mailing, Etc.
PANTRY ORDER PICK-UP- Large Orders- SUV or Pick-Up Truck Suggested
RECEPTION DESK- Greeting guests, Monitoring Sign-In Book, Assisting with CoPilot login, Tours
THRIFT STORE SUPPORT- Assisting with sorting donations, Filling racks, Purging racks, Sales